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Searching For WBS with the Filter Builder

When you want to create a custom filter for your project in order to analyze certain tasks in your work breakdown structure (WBS), you have a couple options.

  • Use the IsWithin or IsNotWithin operators in conjunction with the WBS field to define a range to include, or not include. The value input should contain the starting and ending values for the range separated with a comma, such as 1.3, 1.9. The results will not include rows where the WBS value equals the beginning or ending value. For example, to include all 1.1 through 1.3 items, enter 1, 1.3.1 Analyzer results will not include rows where WBS is equal to 1 or equal to 1.3.1.
  • Use the StartsWith and/or EndsWith operators in conjunction with the WBS field to analyze tasks that you can identify by their beginning or ending values. With these operators, you could retrieve all tasks where the WBS begins with "1." or all tasks where the WBS ends with ".5" NOTE: if you enter a "1" as a StartsWith value, you would retrieve rows where the WBS begins with 1, 10, 11, 12, or 100 and so on. If your end goal is to only analyze those falling under 1, you should use the value "1."

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